This post is picture heavy, but I wanted to share a few pictures of my chosen family.... all of these were taken yesterday (6/17) at our local Pride event, and later -- at a free outdoor Lori McKenna concert. :)
Taken from the parade....this flag was seriously enormous.
Here's James, J, Uncle Xander and Lucy, hanging at the festival post-paradey goodness...
And here's a close up of the fabulous Miss Lucy, resplendent in her summer dress and in love with her feet...
Ok, not sure what's happening with James' outfit here, but he's pictured with his Tante/Godmother Holly...
We were a pretty big kid contingent for Pride... here we all are picnicing...
Our newest friend Mattea, a-freaking-dorable in her Pride bling and yogurt face...
All of this left Jamesy a very tired boy...
And the nap was important 'cause we only stopped at home briefly to check on the pup and then headed straight to Freeport for the free Lori show (fabulous!)...
Here Uncle Stephen (James' Godfather and our housemate) snuggles his nephew...
My child, lover of climbing, with his Uncle Barrett...
And the final pic (my favorite) James with Lori's band behind him... not to mention the *great* sky!!
One last thing -- here's a link to a video of James dancing to Lori... *grin*
Needless to say, we had a blast. I found myself having those weepy "I-love-mykid-and-family-and-life" moments over and over again. Just a really *good*day. :)
Hey Erin, it's me, Kaysha from the Adoption Ducky boards. Thanks for sharing these, the last pic and the video were awesome! What a great day and how blessed James is to have such a loving, extended chosen family!
What sweet pictures! I love Lori McKenna too - it looks like it was a great show. Happy pride!
Needless to say, we did not make it to Freeport for the show. We both needed naps too badly for us to leave the house.
Let's play soon!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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