Sorry for the very long hiatus. I was just checking on some of my blog pals today and realized it's been nearly a year since I posted. Too long.
To tie up a loose end from my last few posts: I was hired at a local church my friends attend as the office manager at the end of July and have (overall) enjoyed it here quite a bit. The kids are both doing great -- we call Anna 'Farley' a lot now because she's developed into a tiny, girly Chris Farley personality wise. What's up with us? James starts preschool at the schmancy local prek-12 private school with a fantastic reggio emilia program this fall (yay!), we're moving a town over to a house with a back yard (!) and a garage/off street parking (!!), I'm having minor surgery in about a month, we're vacationing soon, and I'm in the market for a good camera and having the DSLR v/s high end p&s with video debate every night while poring over reviews online.
Anna's all grown up into a toddler, and James has grown into a 3 yo nonstop talker (thanks speech therapy!). Here're pics of the kids from about two weeks ago...
James, who's NOT into getting his picture taken lately...

And Anna, our big girl!
Anyway... I doubt anyone is reading any longer, but I'll post more frequently and hope some of you will rediscover my little blog. Hope everyone is well!